B4B today was broadcast live from the Scottsdale Resort for the annual Military Assistance Mission Freedom Breakfast event. Ken and Mark talked with several guests at the event as well as Tucker Perkins of the Propane Education & Research Council about green alternatives. Then-Attorney John Dellaportes about Ponzi Schemes. Next was USMC Justin Henderson, the keynote speaker at the breakfast. in the 7 O'Clock hour was Margi Bons who created the charity and the annual event to honor her son who was killed in the line of duty. In the Biz Leaders Spotlight, today was John Arnold, CEO of Southwest Wealth Strategies.
B4B today included six guests starting with Traci Long DeForge, founder of Produce your Podcast. National Podcast Day is later this month. Then Matt Schulz of CompareCards with a new survey regarding the Equifax breach. After Matt was Betty Ng, CEO of Inspiring Diversity, LLC. She discussed more workplace diversity and how it can result in higher company profits. Author of the book Refinery29MoneyDiaries, Lindsey Stanberry and dropping by was Don Alvarez from the Radix Law Firm regarding a new law that allows parents to check their kids' credit scores.
Today on B4B, Ken and Mark talked about elderly drivers with Generations expert, Jennifer Fitzpatrick. Then Sarah Holden of Investment Company Institute about saving for retirement. After that Josh Garcia from this weeks restaurant sponsor, Miracle Mile Deli talked all about their great menu and daily specials. Dave Wilken of Atlantics Life Group on Life Insurance and buying the right amount. Rui Barros was our Biz Leader Spotlight today from Door Number 2.
Ken and Mark heard about the Mobile World Congress Americas and getting ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution with Reed Peterson. Then Bill Hardekopf, lowcards.com on airlines loyalty credit cards. A.J. Adams gave us advice on cleaning up our social media and digital footprints. Job hunting over the age of 50 was covered by Dom Fausette and then Will Ruger of Charles Koch Institute talked about trade tariffs and its effect on the Jack Daniels brand