Leith Martin, who is Executive Director, at the Troesh Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UNLV will discuss LEE BUSINESS SCHOOL AND THE TED AND DORIS LEE FAMILY FOUNDATION ANNOUNCE $1M PRIZE COMPETITION TO FUEL HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY INNOVATION . #hospitality #innovation #unlv #entreprereneurishp #leebusinessschool
Courtney Nelson Goodwill tells us about a job fair on May 20/20 #goodwill #jobfair #job
Paula Rosenblum RSRS Research discusses JCPenny and retail numbers. #JCPenny #JCPE #retail
Scott talks about plans for the 2021 Waste Management Open. #golf #wastemanagementopen
Levi and his partner are celebrating a year in business on May 30th.. Learn more about Lectric Ebikes. #bikes #localbusiness
Steve Kastenbaum discuss parts of New York reopening and social distancing on New Jersey beaches. #newyork #socialdistancing
#energy #oil #oilprices #foxbuinessnews #foxbusinessnetwork
#azcentral #cityofmesa #cityofgilbert