David Anderson with @OffMadisonAve talked with @markasher was our BusinessLeaders Spotlight today. #publicrelations #motivation #results
Matt Roberts with @CVSHealth talks with @markasher32 about COVID 19 booster shots available at @CVS #covid19 #vaccine #booster #boostershot #jab #boosterjab
Curtis Morely @speedclimb joined @markasher32 to discuss price hikes and inflation. #inflation #entrepreneur #inflation #business #oreo
Josh Garcia @miraclemiledeli joins @markasher to discuss catering for your holiday party. #pastromi #sandwhich #catering #holidayparty #Christmasparty #hanukkah
Heather J Shelbrack with @PHXSkyHarbor talks with @markasher32 about holiday travel. #travel #holidaytravel #Thanksgiving #weekendtravel #blackfriday #airport #plane #flight #holidays
@BeverlyHarzog with @usnews talks with @markasher32 discuss the survey results and provide tips to beat inflation this holiday season. #sales #holiday #holidaysales #blackfridat @blackfridaydeals #blackfridaysales
@AlmanacTradertalks with @markasher32 about the markets stocktradersalmanac.com #trading #markets #stockmarket #trader #dow #nasdaq #sandp500 #stocks #stocktrading