@markasher32 talks with Matt Gromada from @Chase talks good money habits ,then we talk golf with Ryan Thompson. The business of sports and our cross talk with Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #savings #money #budget #golf #sports #retire #annuities #markets #stocks
@markasher32 talks with Nathan Ross host of a new show Be a Planner, We give away $100 in gift cards to the Spot at Arcadia and old friend @robkanyur tell us about the reverse mortgage, and Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #taxes #cpa #food #mortgage #reverse_mortgage #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks with @MCulinaryAZ then @JamisonKM joins us and our crosstalk with Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #Food #catering #realestate #funding #sports #markets #retire #annuities
@markas32 talks with Gene Weimer President Desert Equity Lending about a new loan program, The Spot at Arcadia is dropping by, The Business of Sports and Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #loans #lending #food #sports #news #markets #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks AI with @HessEdward we give away gift cards to @pomopizzeria and Rudy Montijo from Daytryp joins us and Steve Jurich drops by @Mastering_Money #AI #tech #food #pizza #gelato #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks tech with @EmilyAReports from @AARP then @fyrejason from @Fyresite joins us and Micaela Preskill talks debt ceiling @Mastering_Money #teck #smallbusiness #debt #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks with @devonthorsbyfrom @usnews about the best places to live then we give away gift cards to @pomopizzeria and our friends from @BalletArizona Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #realestate #towns #pizza #ballet #markets #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks jobs with @pilottraveljobs Jeremy Stensland and James Haviland, from Creekside Cabins, Tavern and Tours i joins us the business of sports and Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #jobs #travel #cabins #travel #sports #retire #annuities #stocks #news
@markasher32 talks the latest gadgets and tools for small business with @AndreaSmith then State48 joins us the business of sports and Steve Jurich with @Mastering_Money #tech #gadgets #apparel #48 #sports #retire #annuites
@markasher32 gives you the latest headlines Then we celebrate with @miraclemiledeli we do the business of sports and our crosstalk with Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #stocks #news #food #celebrate #sandwiches #sports #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks about mortgage rates with @erikaxgio of @usnews we catch you up on the latest headlines then the business of sports and Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #rates #mortgage #news #sports #retire #annuities
@markasher32talks stocks with @AlmanacTrader we celebrate with @miraclemiledeliwe talk sports and our crosstalk with Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #markets #stocks #investing #food #deli @sandwiches #sports #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks with @katygoodlife from @nardotrealtor about housing market in your area . some headlines Aaron Wesolowski, joins us and Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #rates #realestate #mortgage #news #headlines #retire @annuities
@markasher32 talks states taxing cannabis with @AdamJHoffer of @TaxFoundation then Aaron Blocher-Rubin, president and CEO Arizona Autism United talks about their new location and Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #cannabis #taxes #stocks #Autism #retire #annuities
@markasher32 talks aging with @CVSHealth then @LosDosUptown gives away gift cards and @JMellorGPC talks interships and summer jobs our crosstalk with Steve Jurich @Mastering_Money #health #age #food #mexicanfood #jobs #interships #retire #annuities