Enjoy Cinc de Mayo with Drew Melton of Los Dos Molinas. Great take out specials.
Is it a good time to get a credit card for yousmall business? Listen to today's interview wilth Jill Gonzalez.
Call gavin to transform your backyard to the court of your dreams
Paula Rosenblum is co-founder and Managing Partner at RSR Research and is widely recognized as one of the industry's top retail technology analysts.
Drew Alcazar, co-founder and CEO of the famed Russo and Steele Auctions, which celebrated its 20th year during Arizona Car Week, recently announced the launch of an exclusive new extension of his passion for the hobby, that offers “a full spectrum of resources” under the division moniker: RS Collector Automobile Services. The acquisition of a state-of-the art, 40-plus thousand square foot facility in Scottsdale, Arizona will provide dedicated resources for private sales, restoration, detailing, storage, consulting and collection management services and also serve as the Corporate HQ of Russo and Steele Collector Automobile Auctions. Each service department incorporates Alcazar’s “busted knuckles and dirt under the fingernails” experience of nearly 40 years in the hobby, beginning with his first full “body-off” restoration at the age of 15. There are many automobile collections with diverse types and values. Ultimately, the hobby is largely based on transactions — buying and selling. This is where RS Automobile Services, Alcazar believes, hits the sweet spot. “RS Collector Automobile Services is the natural evolution of what I always wanted: to offer a complete docket of services and resources for select collector car enthusiasts,” exclaims Alcazar. “Auctions are just one facet that can represent the end of a journey, or the beginning of a new adventure for an enthusiast.”
Matthew Fehling Better Business Bureau discuss differnt scams and what to look out for so small businesses dont get taken advantage of.